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Content about Supreme Court

September 7, 2012

Israel's Supreme Court ordered the state to release the "red lines document" which purportedly established the minimum caloric intake required for the survival of Gaza residents.

Israel's Supreme Court on Sept. 5 ordered the state to release the "red lines document" in which it purportedly established the minimum caloric intake required for the survival of residents of the Gaza Strip, as part of a policy in place until June 2010 that restricted the entrance of goods into Gaza.

April 30, 2012

In a move blasted by rights organizations, Israel's Supreme Court ruled that buildings of the Ulpana settlement outpost on the West Bank, ordered destroyed because of a claim by Palestinian land-owners, would receive a 60-day reprieve.

Israel's Supreme Court on April 29 ruled that buildings of the Givat HaUlpana settlement outpost at Beit El on the West Bank, ordered destroyed because of a claim by Palestinian land-owners, would receive a 60-day reprieve. The State Attorney's Office had filed the appeal on two days before, asking for a three-month delay in the scheduled demolition of the Ulpana outpost.

April 2, 2012

Released document reveal that the Civil Administration in the West Bank has for years covertly mapped available land, naming the parcels after existing Jewish settlements, with an eye toward expanding these communities.

It came to light in Israel last month that the Civil Administration in the West Bank has for years been covertly identifying and mapping available land, and naming the parcels after existing Jewish settlements, evidently with an eye toward expanding these communities.

August 6, 2011

Israel's supreme court issued for the first time an order for the government to dismantle an "illegal" settlement outpost in the West Bank. Migron outpost, established by the Binyamin Regional Council, is built on privately owned Palestinian land.

The Supreme Court of Israel on Aug. 2 issued for the first time an order for the Israeli government to dismantle an illegal outpost in the West Bank. The order calls for Migron, the largest "illegal" outpost in the West Bank, to be razed by the end of March 2012.

June 30, 2011

An Israeli human rights group is appealing a judgement upholding the policy that allows Christians —but not Muslims—to exit the Gaza Strip for worship at Jerusalem's holy sites.

The Israeli human rights group Gisha, which advocates for freedom of movement for residents of the besieged Gaza Strip, last week appealed to Israel's Supreme Court a judgement upholding the policy that allows Christians —but not Muslims—to exit the besieged Gaza Strip for worship at Jerusalem's holy sites.