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Content about Radical Right

February 15, 2019

The secretary general of the Palestinian Liberation Organization executive committee, Saeb Erekat, issued a statement rejecting the US-led conference in Warsaw, ostensibly aimed at brokering Middle East peace. Said Erekat: "Today we face a reality whereby the US Trump administration, in cooperation with the Polish government, is pushing yet a new initiative to annihilate the Palestinian national project." Poland has been making some efforts to resist turning the conference into a propagandistic anti-Iran meeting dominated by the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia. The notable absentees from the summit are meanwhile convening their own meeting in the Russian resort of Sochi. The rival summit is bringing together Vladimir Putin, Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Iran's Hassan Rouhani. 

The secretary general of the Palestinian Liberation Organization executive committee, Saeb Erekat, issued a statement rejecting the US-led conference that opens today in Warsaw, ostensibly aimed at brokering Middle East peace.

October 31, 2018

The lines are starkly drawn in Pittsburgh—and, hopefully, across the country—in the wake of the synagogue massacre that left 11 dead. President Trump visited the synagogue, and was joined by the Israeli ambassador. More than 35,000 people signed an open letter to Trump from the local chapter of the progressive Jewish group Bend the Arc, stating: "You are not welcome in Pittsburgh until you fully denounce white nationalism." Hundreds demonstrated against Trump's visit under the standard of another Jewish progressive formation, If Not Now, with banners reading "ANTI-SEMITISM = WHITE NATIONALISM" and "ANTI-SEMITISM UPHOLDS WHITE SUPREMACY."

The lines are starkly drawn in Pittsburgh—and, hopefully, across the country—in the wake of the Oct.

March 26, 2018

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) issued a pressingly important report, "The multipolar spin: how fascists operationalize left-wing resentment." It refreshingly called out "red-brown populist collaboration"—documenting the growing convergence between figures on the supposed "left" and the radical, even fascist right, both in the US and in Europe. But, depressingly, at the first howls of protest from this very Red-Brown alliance, SPLC folded like punks, removing the report from their website and issuing a weak apology.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) last week issued a pressingly important report, "The multipolar spin: how fascists operationalize left-wing resentment." It refreshingly called out "red-brown populist collaboration"—documenting the growing convergence between figures on the supposed "left" and the radical,&n

February 1, 2018

Even back in the bad old days of Reefer Madness in the 1930s, when marijuana's association with Mexican immigrants and African American musicians was used as propaganda for the first federal laws banning the weed, it never came to this. But the canard that cannabis is a tool in a sinister Jewish conspiracy to subvert wholesome white American youth has now entered (almost) mainstream discourse.

Even back in the bad old days of Reefer Madness in the 1930s, when marijuana's association with Mexican immigrants and African American musicians was used as propaganda for the first federal laws banning the weed, it never came to this.

March 5, 2017

Are the "false flag" theories about the anti-Semitic threats vindicated by the bust of a left-wing ex-journo? No, because exploiting anti-Semitism to score points is still anti-Semitic.

A former journalist named Juan Thompson, who was sacked by the Intercept&nbsp

November 21, 2016

Under the banner of "Jewish Resistance," protesters rallied outside the Zionist Organization of America gala in Manhattan—where featured speaker was to be Steve Bannon.

Under the banner of "Jewish Resistance," protesters rallied outside of Manhattan's Grand Hyatt hotel on 42nd St. Nov.

May 27, 2014

The rise of far-right "anti-Europe" parties in the Europarliament elections echoes escalating ultra-nationalist and neo-fascist rhetoric on both sides in the Russo-Ukraine conflict.

The May 24 shooting at the Jewish Museum of Belgium in Brussels, that left three dead, is greeted by the usual ridiculous bet-hedging. CNN typically writes: "The circumstances of the shooting have raised suspicions that it may have been an a

March 17, 2014

Putin's propagandists have everything invested in exaggerating the fascist threat in Ukraine, while the "MSM" in the West have everything invested in denying it.

Hillel Cohen, Ukraine director of the Jewish ambulance corps Hatzalah, was stabbed the night of March 14 in Kiev by a group of men who reportedly hurled anti-Semitic slurs during the attack—making him the third Jew to be assaulted, and the second to be stabbed, in the city since January.

September 4, 2013

Anti-fascist militant Savvas Michael-Matsas went on trial in Greece, charged with "libellous defamation" in a case brought by members of the far-right Golden Dawn party. 

Savvas Michael-Matsas, leader of a small radical-left party, went on trial in Greece Sept.

August 28, 2013

Your trusty blogger, long threatened by Zionist hoodlums for supporting Palestine, now finds out that he has an entry on "Metapedia," the Wikipedia for neo-Nazis.

We always say there's no vindication like getting it from both sides, but this is about as vindicating as it gets. Your trusty blogger has long taken pride that my name appears on the Jewish Self-Hating and/or Israel-Threatening (SHIT) List, compiled by some proverbial Zionist hoodlums who wish to intimidate critics of the settler state. I assume I won this honor through my bloggery, my anti-Zionist website New Jewish Resistance, and my interviews with Palestinian activists on WBAI over the years. It has certinaly been very handy for me—I can trot out this impeccable credential every time some anti-Semite accuses me of being "pro-Zionist" for calling out Jew-hatred. So now I was just pleased to find that I have my own hateful little entry in Metapedia, a sort of Wikipedia for neo-Nazis. (See their flattering entry for Adolf Hitler.) So the next time some Zionist hoodlum accuses me of being "self-hating," I'll know just what to do...

August 27, 2013

Ron Paul is scheduled to speak at a confab sponsored by a wing of the "Traditionalist" Catholic schism, sharing the bill with Italian neo-fascist leader Roberto Fiore. Still rooting for this reactionary twit?

Ron Paul's connections to the neo-fascist right are already well established, for those who are paying attention. Now it seems his longtime connection to the John Birch Society has led him deeper into the radical right nexus.

February 14, 2013

Hundreds of neo-Nazis attempted to march on Dresden to crash commemorations of the 1945 Allied bombardment, and were blocked by a human chain of thousands of anti-fascists. 

In what has now become an annual ritual, a group of hundreds of neo-Nazis attempted to march on Dresden's city center to crash commemorations of the 1945 Allied bombardment of the eastern German city, and were blocked by a human chain of thousands of anti-fascist activists. Some 13,000 anti-fascists linked arms in a chain stretching for

December 15, 2012

Legal action is threatened against Hungary's far-right Jobbik party after lawmaker Marton Gyongyosi called for an official "list" of influential Jews in the country. 

Hungary's far-right Jobbik party is radicalizing as fast as it is being mainstreamed. Prime Minister Viktor Orban belatedly condemned Jobbik lawmaker Marton Gyongyosi's call to create a list of Jewish politicians—the day after some 10,000 demonstrated in Budapest to protest the proposal.

October 25, 2012

A right-wing "Identity Group" seized a mosque in Poitiers, issuing a "declaration of war" against the "Islamization" of France—weeks after a bomb attack on a kosher shop in Paris. 

The interminable divide-and-rule game between Muslims and Jews worldwide goes on, with the latest maddening development in France.

August 9, 2012

Calling the accused perp in the Oak Creek massacre "insane" misses the point in a fatal way. His atrocity was a political act, and the reply must be political, not therapeutic.

The Aug. 6 massacre of six worshippers at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wis. is revealing in its reactions from across the spectrum, but let's start with Mitt Romney.

July 14, 2012

The Judeophobic filth that has appeared on MondoWeiss needs to be called out. But once again—why is it only neocon propagandists who will take it on? When will the anti-fascist and anti-Zionist left step up to the plate?

Here we go again. We ourselves have noted before the insidious mainstreaming of anti-Semitism in "progressive" discourse by the likes of the execrable MondoWeiss blog.

April 10, 2012

A judge ordered ex-president Carlos Saúl Menem to stand trial on charges he impeded a probe into the 1994 bombing of the Argentine Jewish Mutual Association, the world's worst anti-Semitic attack since World War II.

Unidentified Argentine judicial sources reported on March 30 that federal judge Ariel Lijo has ordered former president Carlos Saúl Menem (1989-1999) to stand trial on charges that during his presidency he impeded the initial investigation into a July 1994 bombing

February 10, 2012

Two years ago when we reported revelations that two Czech NATO commanders in Afghanistan had worn Nazi SS regalia while on duty, everyone told us it was an isolated incident and not to make a big deal of it. What do you say now, pronoiacs?

Two years ago when we reported revelations that two Czech NATO commanders in Afghanistan had worn Nazi SS regalia while on duty, everyone told us it was an isolated incident and not to make a big deal of it.

February 2, 2012

"Anonymous" attacked the website of the neo-Nazi outfit American Third Position, splashing internal e-mails on the group's homepage—to reveal that the "A3P" white supremacists are a well integrated into Ron Paul's political machine! 

Us old-school lefties have been wondering for a quite some time, which is more annoying—the legions of "Anonymous" hacktivists who think that faceless adventurism is the cutting-edge of revolution, or Ron Paul supporters who think that this ultra-reactionary Republ

November 25, 2011

Despite the media line that Greece's new "austerity" government is staffed by non-ideological "technocrats," the administration includes figures from the old-line Greek fascist right, spawn of the military junta that ruled from 1967 to 1974.

The hegemonic media line that Greece's new "austerity" government is being staffed by non-ideological "technocrats" is deflated by Mark Ames on the N

November 11, 2011

Vandals torched three cars and scrawled hateful graffiti to mark the anniversary of Kristallnacht this year in Brooklyn's heavily Jewish neighborhood of Midwood. City politicians make the requisite condemnations—even as they betray the Palestinians with endless pro-Israel pronouncements. Where is the single-standard anti-racism?

Vandals torched three cars and scrawled hateful graffiti to mark the anniversary of Kristallnacht this year in Brooklyn's heavily Jewish neighborhood of Midwood.

November 10, 2011

A wave of anti-Semitism in Lithuania is seized upon by Israeli commentators to delegitimize Lithuania's vote for Palestine's UNESCO entry. Meanwhile, Israel's own UN ambassador is caught in a photo-op with French ultra-rightist Marine Le Pen...

In the wake of this week's UNESCO vote to admit Palestine as a full member, the legacy of World War II and the Holocaust is once again being used as a political football.

October 14, 2011

The Occupy Wall Street movement is a big tent, and that's a good thing. But activists should develop some savvy about the conspiranoid thinking that characterizes certain elements at the protests—like their obsessive fixation on the Federal Reserve

Like the rest of our fellow lefties, we've been extremely heartened by the Occupy Wall Street movement—but we've also had to raise some comradely warnings about anti-Semitic tropes that have seeped into the rhetoric of some of the protesters and their supporters.

September 10, 2011

Xenophobes and Christian fundamentalists are behind the anti-sharia measures now passed or pending in more than a dozen states—but secular progressives resist efforts to impose sharia on the unwilling in the Muslim world. Can we avoid confusion?

Oklahoma's constitutional amendment that bars the state's judges form considering sharia law is heading to the 10th US Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver, after Judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange ruled it unconstitutional, saying "the will of the ‘majority’ has on occasion conflicted with the constitutional rights of individuals." Oklahomans voted up the amendment last yea