The Abu Alkiyan Bedouin clan pledge to resist their forcible relocation to make way for a new Jewish town outside Beersheba. Israel says the clan is illegally squatting state lands—although it was transferred there in 1956 by military order.
A new bill in the Knesset would change Jerusalem neighborhoods with Arabic names to Hebrew ones—while Mayor Nir Barakat said the municipality would continue to build Jewish-only housing regardless of "political issues."
West Bank settlers reportedly set fire to Palestinian agricultural lands near Nablus after being evicted by Israeli troops from nearby Joseph's Tomb, which they again attempted to occupy.
Israeli army troops shut down Friday anti-wall protests in villages across the West Bank, announcing that the unarmed weekly demonstrations have been declared illegal under new special "closed military zones."
Following an activist campaign, British Prime Minister David Cameron's name has been dropped from the list of honorary patrons of the Jewish National Fund-UK—accused of complicity in the displacement of Palestinians.
Mohamed al-Korshan, representative of the Bedouin community in the West Bank, spoke at the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, calling for recognition of his people as a displaced indigenous group.
WikiLeaks cables reveal embarrassing details of an Israeli military contractor's secret operations in Latin America—sparking a government "hate campaign" against journalists who reported the shenanigans in Panama.
Israeli warplanes launched air-strikes on targets across the Gaza Strip, injuring at least 17 people including seven children—hours after Hamas pledged to commit to a truce if Israel stops bombarding the Strip.
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