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Content about Arab citizens of Israel

May 19, 2015

Separate Israeli Supreme Court decisions open the way for authorities to forcibly evict residents of two Arab villages—one on the West Bank, and one in the Negev.

Separate Israeli Supreme Court decisions issued on May 5 open the way for state authorities to forcibly evict residents of two Arab villages from their homes. The inhabitants of both villages, one in Israel and the other in the occupied West Bank, have previously been displaced following actions by Israeli authorities.

September 19, 2014

Interior Minister Gideon Saar has ordered that the Israel's population registry recognize a separate "Aramean" identity—an apparent move to erode Palestinian identity.

The Jerusalem Post reports Sept. 17 that Interior Minister Gideon Saar has ordered that the Israel's population registry recognize a separate "Aramean" identity.

August 31, 2014

Palestinian activist Suhaib Zahida was ordered detained by an Israeli court for starting an "Intifada of Hebron" Facebook page and advocating a boycott of Israeli products.

An Israeli court on Aug. 29 extended the detention of a Palestinian activist who was detained for political activities on Facebook for a week, a Ma'an News Agency reporter said. An Israeli court in Petah Tikva extended the detention of Suhaib Zahida, 31, until Sept. 4, after he was arrested on Aug.

December 26, 2013

On Christmas Eve, Israeli forces destroyed two "illegal" Bedouin villages in the West Bank, followed two days later by another such demolition in the Negev.

The UN Palestine refugee agency on Dec.

July 17, 2013

Israeli forces bulldozed the "unrecognized" Bedouin village of al-Araqeeb in the Negev desert—amid protests over a Knesset bill that would expropriate Bedouin lands.

Israeli forces used bulldozers to demolish the "unrecognized" Bedouin village of al-Araqeeb in the Negev desert on July 16—for the 53rd time in three years. The demolition came one day after thousands o

June 14, 2013

Thousands of Israeli Arabs demonstrated in Beersheba against the Prawer Plan which will displace thousands of Bedouin families in the Negev desert.

Thousands of Palestinian holders of Israeli citizenship on June 13 demonstrated in Beersheba in southern Israel in protest against the Prawer Plan which will displace thousands of Bedouin families in the Negev desert. A Ma'an News Agency reporter said the demonstrators waved

March 9, 2013

The Israeli high court dismissed an appeal by an "unrecognized" Bedouin village demanding access to water. A land titling plan for the Bedouin is being blocked by the military.

On Feb. 20, the Israeli Supreme Court dismissed an appeal by residents of the "unrecognized" Bedouin village of Umm El-Hiran in the Negev demanding access to drinking water. The Adalah Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel filed the appeal on behalf of the village's 500 residents.

May 11, 2012

Hebrew-themed charter schools in New York and DC openly indoctrinate in Zionist propaganda, while a Toronto madrassa spews Nazi-like Jew-hatred. Yet all the outrage only goes one way or the other...

Well, it's been a busy few weeks for those, such as ourselves, who follow such ugliness.

January 21, 2012

The Zionist propaganda machine is having a field day with the latest call from the Mufti of Jerusalem to "fight the Jews"—as Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman continues to call for "transfer."

The Zionist propaganda machine (e.g. Palestinian Media Watch

January 12, 2012

In a move assailed by civil rights groups, Israel’s High Court voted to reject a challenge filed against provisions of the Citizenship Law, which bar Palestinians married to Israeli Arabs from receiving citizenship or residency.

Israel's High Court on Jan. 11 voted to reject a challenge filed against provisions of the Citizenship Law, which bar Palestinians married to Israeli Arabs from receiving Israeli citizenship or residency.

July 31, 2011

Some 150,000 took to the streets in cities across Israel—the biggest protests the country has seen in decades, to demand action on rising rents and the high cost of living. But right-wing politicians seek to scapegoat African immigrants for the crisis.

Some 150,000 protesters took to the streets in cities across Israel on the night of July 30—the biggest demonstrations the country has seen in decades—to demand action on rising rents, low salaries, and the high cost of living.

June 24, 2011

A new Israeli proposal that would forcibly transfer more than 40,000 Bedouin citizens into government-planned townships in the Negev desert has raised the ire of Bedouin communities and their supporters, Electronic Intifada reports.

A new Israeli proposal that would forcibly transfer more than 40,000 Bedouin citizens into government-planned townships in the Negev (Naqab) desert has raised the ire of Bedouin communities and their supporters, who say the plan is both discriminatory and ignores the Bedouins' historic connect

June 4, 2011

The Abu Alkiyan Bedouin clan pledge to resist their forcible relocation to make way for a new Jewish town outside Beersheba. Israel says the clan is illegally squatting state lands—although it was transferred there in 1956 by military order.

The land of one of the Bedouin communities slated to be evicted under a proposed Israeli government plan will be used for construction of a new Jewish community, according to documents obtained by 

May 26, 2011

Mohamed al-Korshan, representative of the Bedouin community in the West Bank, spoke at the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, calling for recognition of his people as a displaced indigenous group.