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Content about Hezbollah

January 28, 2015

Hezbollah fighters attacked an Israeli military convoy in the Shaba'a Farms border area—contested by Israel, Lebanon and Syria—in retaliation for an Israeli air-strike on Syria.

Hezbollah fighters attacked an Israeli military convoy in the Shaba'a Farms border area Jan.

January 27, 2015

After 21 years, the investigation into a massive anti-Semitic bombing took another hit when the prosecutor in the case was found dead, right before he was to testify.

Argentine federal prosecutor Natalio Alberto Nisman was found dead in his Buenos Aires apartment late on Jan. 18 with a gunshot wound to his head. Nisman had filed a 289-page criminal complaint on Jan.

January 21, 2014

The murky case of a 1994 bombing of a Buenos Aires Jewish center suddenly got murkier thanks to statements by a former Israeli ambassador.

The 20-year-old investigation into the July 1994 bombing of the Argentine Jewish Mutual Association (AMIA) building in Buenos Aires took a new turn on Jan.

October 22, 2013

Iran's relations with the West seem to be improving. Will this finally lead to a conclusive investigation of Argentina's worst-ever terrorist attack?

Argentina and Iran have agreed to proceed with a joint investigation into the July 1994 bombing of the Argentine Jewish Mutual Association (AMIA) building in Buenos Aires, Argentine foreign minister Héctor Timerman said after a Sept.

April 24, 2013

Israel's claim that Syria has used chemical weapons comes as rebel militias have assumed positions near the line of control in the Golan Heights.

The Assad regime's use of chemical weapons is announced as a "

July 18, 2012

Five Israeli tourists are blown up at a Bulgarian resort. Netanyahu wastes not a minute in blaming Hezbollah. Conspiranoid websites waste not a minute in calling it an Israeli "false flag" attack. Birds of a feather.

No surprises here. A bomb goes off in a tour bus in the Black Sea resort city of Burgas, Bulgaria, killing five Israelis and wounding some 30. Netanyahu wastes not a minute: "All signs point to Iran. In just the past few months we've seen Iran try to target Israelis in Thailand, India, Georgia, Cyprus and more. The murderous Iranian terror continues to target innocent people.

July 7, 2011

A new report by UN  Secretary General Ban Ki-moon into the violence along the Israeli-Lebanon border on Nakba Day harshly criticizes the Israeli army for using unnecessary force in firing on protesters.

A new report by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon into the violence along the Israeli-Lebanon border on Nakba Day harshly criticizes the Israeli army for using unnecessary force in firing on protesters.

May 29, 2011

Iran cheers protesters in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia while apparently backing the repression in Syria—just as the US cheers protesters in Syria while backing the repression in Egypt, Yemen...

The Washington Post reports May 27:

May 26, 2011

Rae Abileah, who interrupted Bibi Netanyahu's speech before Congress, claims she was beaten by AIPAC activists—as congressmen cheered Bibi's plans to illegally annex chunks of "Judea and Samaria."