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Content about Negev desert

May 19, 2015

Separate Israeli Supreme Court decisions open the way for authorities to forcibly evict residents of two Arab villages—one on the West Bank, and one in the Negev.

Separate Israeli Supreme Court decisions issued on May 5 open the way for state authorities to forcibly evict residents of two Arab villages from their homes. The inhabitants of both villages, one in Israel and the other in the occupied West Bank, have previously been displaced following actions by Israeli authorities.

January 14, 2014

As Ariel Sharon was buried under the protection of Israel's Iron Dome missile shield, joyful celebrations broke out at Lebanon's Sabra and Shatila refugee camps.

After lying in state at the Knesset, where Israelis lined up to pay tribute, Ariel Sharon was buried Jan. 13 on his family's ranch in the Negev desert. The Israeli military deployed the Iron Dome missile shield, lest Gaza-based militants tried to target the burial with rockets.

July 17, 2013

Israeli forces bulldozed the "unrecognized" Bedouin village of al-Araqeeb in the Negev desert—amid protests over a Knesset bill that would expropriate Bedouin lands.

Israeli forces used bulldozers to demolish the "unrecognized" Bedouin village of al-Araqeeb in the Negev desert on July 16—for the 53rd time in three years. The demolition came one day after thousands o

July 16, 2013

Declassified documents reveal the US and the UK opposed Israel's secret atom bomb program in 1964—but helped keep it secret after Israel bought Argentine uranium. 

According to declassified British and US documents that the Washington, DC-based research group National Security Archive (NSA) made public on June 25, Israel secretly bought 80-100 tons of Argentine uranium oxide ("yellowcake") in the 1963-1964 period.

June 14, 2013

Thousands of Israeli Arabs demonstrated in Beersheba against the Prawer Plan which will displace thousands of Bedouin families in the Negev desert.

Thousands of Palestinian holders of Israeli citizenship on June 13 demonstrated in Beersheba in southern Israel in protest against the Prawer Plan which will displace thousands of Bedouin families in the Negev desert. A Ma'an News Agency reporter said the demonstrators waved

June 4, 2011

The Abu Alkiyan Bedouin clan pledge to resist their forcible relocation to make way for a new Jewish town outside Beersheba. Israel says the clan is illegally squatting state lands—although it was transferred there in 1956 by military order.

The land of one of the Bedouin communities slated to be evicted under a proposed Israeli government plan will be used for construction of a new Jewish community, according to documents obtained by 

May 26, 2011

Mohamed al-Korshan, representative of the Bedouin community in the West Bank, spoke at the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, calling for recognition of his people as a displaced indigenous group.