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Content about Refugee

December 19, 2013

Some 150 Sudanese migrants abandoned a desert prison camp to march cross-country on Jerusalem in protest of Israel's draconian new anti-immigration law.

In the most dramatic demonstration ever staged by African refugees in Israel, some 150 Sudanese men who have been detained for months at the sprawling Saharonim prison camp in the desert south marched cross-country on Jerusalem, and on Dec. 18 protested outside the government compound there.

August 10, 2013

At least 28 Palestinian refugees were killed in Syria last month as refugee camps in the country continue to be dragged into the civil war, leaving thousands displaced. 

At least 28 Palestinian refugees were killed in Syria during July as refugee camps in the country continue to be dragged into the civil war. The UN agency for Palestine refugees,UNRWA, estimates that the homes of 44,000 Palestinian refugees in Syria have been damaged by conflict, and that half of t

July 6, 2011

MK Ben-Ari shamelessly pays African asylum seekers to swim in a Tel Aviv pool in order to "prove" that liberal Tel Avivians are only liberals until they have to swim next to Africans.

The racist MK Michael Ben-Ari (no relation with author) and Kahanist resident of the Jewish settlement in Hebron, Itamar Ben Gvir, have reched a new low.