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May 17, 2015

Palestinian prisoner Khader Adnan continues his open hunger-strike that he started 12 days ago, demanding an end to his administrative detention by Israel.

Palestinian prisoner Khader Adnan, 37, continues his open hunger-strike that he started 12 days ago, demanding an end to his administrative detention by Israel, the Palestinian Prisoner's Society says.

January 24, 2015

The UN hearings on anti-Semitism will certainly enflame anti-Semitism—affording Israel the opportunity for propaganda exploitation, and Jew-haters to exploit the backlash.

This is why UN hearings on anti-Semitism are a very, very bad idea. The General Assembly "informal" conference opened Jan.

August 27, 2014

As a ceasefire went into effect, Hamas urged Gazans to take to the streets and "celebrate victory and the fulfillment of the Palestinian people's demands."

Immediately after the Gaza ceasefire went into effect the evening of Aug.

July 12, 2014

Fierce clashes broke out across the West Bank between Israeli troops and young Palestinian men protesting the ongoing military offensive against the Gaza Strip.

Fierce clashes broke out across the West Bank late Friday July 11 between Israeli troops and young Palestinian men protesting the ongoing military offensive against the Gaza Strip. In Ramallah in the central West Bank, Palestinian protestors on Saturday morning used rocks to block the road to an Israeli military base near the town of Sinjel in the north.

June 16, 2014

Hebron and the West Bank are heavily militarized as Israeli troops hunt for three youths whose abductions have now been claimed (somewhat dubiously) in the name of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Israel's Haaretz reported June 14 that a "Pamphlet Number 1" issued in the name of the Islamist State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and circulated around Hebron is claiming responsibility for the abduction of three Israelis in the West Bank—but the statement's authenticity is in doubt.

June 9, 2014

Reporters Without Borders said it was "outraged" by an Israeli police raid on the East Jerusalem studio of Palestine TV, in which a producer and cameraman were detained.

International media rights group Reporters Without Borders on June 8 said it was "outraged" by an Israeli police raid on the offices of a Palestinian media agency last week. On June 6, Israeli police raided the East Jerusalem studio of 

June 4, 2014

Sixty hunger-striking Palestinians in Israel's Eshel prison are being held in solitary confinement, out of over 100 now striking in protest of "administrative detention."

Sixty hunger striking Palestinians in Israel's Eshel prison are being held in solitary confinement, a prisoner rights group said June 3. The Palestinian Prisoners' Society said in a statement that the number of prisoners hunger striking in the Beersheba prison of Eshel had reached 60 and that each of the strikers was being held in solitary confinement. A spokesman for the Isra

February 5, 2014

Demolition teams destroyed three Palestinian homes and forced a man to demolish his own home in East Jerusalem, leaving 28 homeless and sparking street clashes.

Demolition teams from the Jerusalem municipality on Feb.

January 26, 2014

Leftist Palestinian parties held demonstrations across the West Bank in opposition to negotiations with Israel and US Secretary of State John Kerry's "framework proposal."

Leftist Palestinian parties on Jan. 25 held demonstrations across the West Bank in opposition to negotiations with Israel and US Secretary of State John Kerry's framework proposal that will serve as the basis for proposed talks.

January 18, 2014

With urban planners along the Green Line foreseeing the shift of Arab-majority suburbs into the West Bank, Israeli calls for "transfer" of the Palestinians are again mounting.

Israel's ultra-reactionary foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman, a vocal advocate of "transfer" of the Palestinians, stars in a very gloomy analysis in 

January 8, 2014

Palestinians from Qusra village apprehended 18 settlers and held them captive after they raided Qusra lands, attacked a youth, and attempted to uproot olive trees.

Palestinians from Qusra village near Nablus on Jan. 7 apprehended at least 18 settlers and held them captive after they raided Qusra lands, attacked a youth, and attempted to uproot olive trees.

December 19, 2013

Some aghast at the suffering of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are strangely unconcerned with that in Yarmouk, the Damascus refugee camp now besieged by Syrian regime forces.

Isn't it utterly absurd that there are some aghast at the suffering of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and utterly unconcerned with that in Yarmouk, the Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus now besieged by forces loyal to Syrian dictator Bashar Assad... and vice versa...? A brutal winter storm in the region has exacerbated the suffering in both blockaded enclaves, and most Palestinians assuredly grasp the obvious symmetry. In some quarters, however, a sort of ideological blindness seems to prevail: Assad's apologists are of course outraged at the agony in Gaza, but find that in Yarmouk invisible. The US State Department, in turn, exploits Yarmouk for propaganda against Assad, while displaying no such concern for Gaza...

December 19, 2013

Some 150 Sudanese migrants abandoned a desert prison camp to march cross-country on Jerusalem in protest of Israel's draconian new anti-immigration law.

In the most dramatic demonstration ever staged by African refugees in Israel, some 150 Sudanese men who have been detained for months at the sprawling Saharonim prison camp in the desert south marched cross-country on Jerusalem, and on Dec. 18 protested outside the government compound there.

October 14, 2013

The Israeli High Court is set to rule on the forced expulsion of all of the residents of the West Bank village of Khirbat Zanuta, continuously inhabited for 3,000 years.

The Israeli High Court is set to rule this week on the forced expulsion of all residents of the village of Khirbat Zanuta, southwest of Hebron in the West Bank.

September 23, 2013

Prime Minister Netanyahu ordered Israel's civil administration to allow settlers back into a stolen Palestinian property in Hebron—in response to the killing of an Israeli soldier.

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sept.

August 23, 2013

A man was killed and two others injured in clashes between local Palestinians and Israeli forces at Jenin refugee camp in the northern occupied West Bank.

A man was killed and two others injured in clashes early Aug. 20 between locals and Israeli forces in Jenin refugee camp in the northern occupied West Bank. Majd Mohammad Anis Lahlouh, 22, was shot directly in the heart by Israeli soldiers, witnesses said. Karim Sbeih and Alah Abu Khalifa, both in their twenties, were critically wounded.

July 13, 2013

As Ramadan opened, dozens of protesters were wounded in demonstrations across the occupied West Bank over settler confiscation of lands and waters.

Dozens of protesters on July 12 were lightly wounded in demonstrations across the occupied West Bank. In al-Maasara village south of Bethlehem, dozens suffered tear-gas inhalation as Israeli forces dispersed a protest against water shortages in the village for over 50 days and in solidarity with prisoners in Israeli jails. Protesters raised Palestinian flags and posters of prisoners,

July 10, 2013

Palestinian youths smashed holes in Israel's separation wall in East Jerusalem on the ninth anniversary of an International Court of Justice advisory opinion that ruled the wall illegal.

Palestinian youths smashed holes in Israel's separation wall in East Jerusalem on July 9. The protest marked the ninth anniversary of an International Court of Justice advisory opinion that ruled the wall illegal and called for its removal. Activists declared the

April 27, 2013

A Catholic monastery and convent outside Bethlehem lost a seven-year legal battle against the construction of Israel's "separation barrier" across its land.

A Catholic monastery and convent in the secluded  Cremisan Valley outside Bethlehem lost a seven-year legal battle against the construction of Israel's "separation barrier" across its land on April 24.

April 18, 2013

Long-term hunger striker Samer Issawi called for "rage and solidarity" to mark Palestinian Prisoners Day. 3,000 detainees in Israel's prisons refused food to mark the day.

Long-term hunger striker Samer Issawi on April 17 called for "rage and solidarity" to mark Palestinian Prisoners Day. "Greetings to all without exception.

March 9, 2013

The Israeli high court dismissed an appeal by an "unrecognized" Bedouin village demanding access to water. A land titling plan for the Bedouin is being blocked by the military.

On Feb. 20, the Israeli Supreme Court dismissed an appeal by residents of the "unrecognized" Bedouin village of Umm El-Hiran in the Negev demanding access to drinking water. The Adalah Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel filed the appeal on behalf of the village's 500 residents.

February 27, 2013

Alan Dershowitz calls out papal hopeful Cardinal Maradiaga of Honduras as floating theories about how the Vatican sex scandal was instrumented by the Jews. 

You knew this one was inevitable.

February 26, 2013

Hundreds took to the streets in the West Bank and Gaza in a second day of protests following the death of a Palestinian prisoner who PA officials say died as a result of torture.

Hundreds of people took to the streets in the West Bank and Gaza Strip on Feb.

February 22, 2013

Residents of the Jerusalem neighborhood of Beit Safafa are appealing to Israel's Supreme Court to halt construction of a highway that will divide the Arab district.

Residents of the Jerusalem neighborhood of Beit Safafa will appeal next week to Israel's Supreme Court to halt construction of a highway that is to divide the district, community activists said at a press conference Feb.