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Content about Palestinian National Authority

August 29, 2015

Two months after formally recognizing Palestine, the Vatican objected to a Palestinian request for the two observer states to be allowed to raise their flags at UN headquarters.

The ongoing dilemmas over Palestinian statehood took a new turn this week as the Vatican objected to a Palestinian Authority request for the two observer states to the United Nations to be allowed to raise their flags at its headquarters. The Palestinian leadership called on the UN to adopt a resolution approving the raising

June 9, 2015

Israeli authorities released Palestinian parliament speaker Aziz Duweik following a year in "administrative detention"—held without trial in contravention of international law.

Israeli authorities on June 9 released the speaker of the Palestinian parliament, Aziz Duweik, following a year in administrative detention. The Ahrar Center for Prisoners and Human Rights Studies said that Duweik, 67, was released from the Ofer prison near Ramallah after paying a fine of 6,000 shekels ($1,565). Duweik, who is a member of Ha

December 27, 2014

A Hamas leader said that the draft resolution for Palestinian statehood presented to the UN Security Council is "disastrous," and has "no future in the land of Palestine."

A Hamas leader on Dec.

December 17, 2014

The European Parliament passed a resolution supporting recognition of Palestinian statehood and a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict.

The European Parliament on Dec. 17 passed a resolution supporting recognition of Palestinian statehood and a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. The resolution also launches a "Parliamentarians for Peace" initiative to bring together MEPs and MPs from the Israeli and Palestinian parliaments. The resolution passed by 498 votes to 88, with 111 abstentions.

December 17, 2014

A supposed ISIS flyer circulating on social networks has warned 18 writers and poets in Gaza against what it calls criticizing Islam, stating that ''apostates will be punished."

A supposed ISIS flyer circulating on social networks has warned 18 writers and poets in Gaza against what it calls criticizing Islam, stating that ''apostates will be punished." In Ramallah, the Palestinian Authority responded by condemning the intimidation of Palestinian intellectuals, calling the threats a serious precedent. Hamas played down the incident.

October 26, 2014

Israeli settlers torched some 100 olive trees owned by Palestinian farmers near Nablus as the harvest began—the latest in a pattern of such attacks.

A group of Israeli settlers set fire to some 100 olive trees owned by Palestinian farmers near Nablus as the 2014 olive harvest began last week.

October 9, 2014

Palestinian protesters clashed with Israeli police at East Jerusalem's al-Aqsa mosque after Israelis marking the Sukkot feast tried to invade the mosque.

Palestinian protesters clashed with Israeli police at East Jerusalem's al-Aqsa mosque compound Oct. 9, leaving three officers lightly injured, according to police. Israeli authorities said the clashes erupted after several dozen masked Palestinians began throwing stones, fire crackers and other pyrotechnical devices at police when al-Aqsa mosque opened for prayers.

August 27, 2014

As a ceasefire went into effect, Hamas urged Gazans to take to the streets and "celebrate victory and the fulfillment of the Palestinian people's demands."

Immediately after the Gaza ceasefire went into effect the evening of Aug.

August 15, 2014

Palestinian Islamic leaders said a long-term ceasefire and lifting of the siege on Gaza would be announced soon, claiming "great progress" in negotiations.

July 24, 2014

Development of the Gaza Marine 1 and 2 offshore blocs has been held up by conflict over the Strip and its waters. Is "Protective Edge" aimed at securing them under Israeli control?

Well, we don't think so either, actually.

June 22, 2014

Five Palestinians have been killed and hundreds detained in "Operation Brother's Keeper," Israel's biggest West Bank deployment in a decade.

Two Palestinians were shot and killed during clashes in Ramallah and Nablus June 22, the 10th day of "Operation Brother's Keeper," Israeli forces' massive search effort across the West Bank for three missing Israeli teen-agers.

June 9, 2014

Reporters Without Borders said it was "outraged" by an Israeli police raid on the East Jerusalem studio of Palestine TV, in which a producer and cameraman were detained.

International media rights group Reporters Without Borders on June 8 said it was "outraged" by an Israeli police raid on the offices of a Palestinian media agency last week. On June 6, Israeli police raided the East Jerusalem studio of 

June 4, 2014

Sixty hunger-striking Palestinians in Israel's Eshel prison are being held in solitary confinement, out of over 100 now striking in protest of "administrative detention."

Sixty hunger striking Palestinians in Israel's Eshel prison are being held in solitary confinement, a prisoner rights group said June 3. The Palestinian Prisoners' Society said in a statement that the number of prisoners hunger striking in the Beersheba prison of Eshel had reached 60 and that each of the strikers was being held in solitary confinement. A spokesman for the Isra

May 21, 2014

Imprisoned Palestinian leaders Marwan Barghouthi and Ahmad Saadat announced that they will go on hunger strike in solidarity with "administrative detainees" who are refusing food.

Jailed Palestinian leaders Marwan Barghouthi and Ahmad Saadat have announced that they will go on hunger strike May 21, a senior official said. Minister of Prisoners' Affairs Issa Qaraqe said that over 120 Palestinian prisoners, including the two jailed leaders, will go on hunger strike for one day in support of administrative detainees who have been refusing meals for nearly four week

February 3, 2014

President Abbas has proposed that US-led NATO forces be stationed indefinitely in a future Palestinian state, according to an interview with the New York Times.

President Abbas has proposed that US-led NATO forces be stationed indefinitely in a future Palestinian state, according to an interview with the New York Times on Feb.

January 26, 2014

Leftist Palestinian parties held demonstrations across the West Bank in opposition to negotiations with Israel and US Secretary of State John Kerry's "framework proposal."

Leftist Palestinian parties on Jan. 25 held demonstrations across the West Bank in opposition to negotiations with Israel and US Secretary of State John Kerry's framework proposal that will serve as the basis for proposed talks.

January 2, 2014

An Israeli bill to formally annex the Jordan Valley, decried as "a red line" by Mahmoud Abbas, seems intentionally designed to sabotage the renewed peace process.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas reacted Dec. 31 to Israel's announced initiative to formally annex the Jordan Valley. "If they do that, which we will not allow, we will see what future holds," Abbas said.

December 23, 2013

Israeli authorities released Palestinian prisoner Samer Issawi, who waged one of the longest hunger strikes in history, freeing him to return to his East Jerusalem home.

The Israeli prison service released prominent Palestinian prisoner Samer Issawi on the evening of Dec.

October 20, 2013

Palestinian olive harvesters along with Israeli volunteers assisting in the harvest were attacked by settlers armed with iron bars near the West Bank settlement of Yitzhar.

Palestinian olive harvesters along with Israeli volunteers assisting in the harvest were attacked Oct.

August 10, 2013

At least 28 Palestinian refugees were killed in Syria last month as refugee camps in the country continue to be dragged into the civil war, leaving thousands displaced. 

At least 28 Palestinian refugees were killed in Syria during July as refugee camps in the country continue to be dragged into the civil war. The UN agency for Palestine refugees,UNRWA, estimates that the homes of 44,000 Palestinian refugees in Syria have been damaged by conflict, and that half of t

April 24, 2013

Palestinian hunger striker Samer Issawi ended his protest action after signing an agreement with Israel which guarantees his release. He had gone without food 266 days.

Long term hunger striker Samer Issawi ended his protest action on April 23 after signing an agreement with Israel which guarantees his release, his lawyer Jawad Bolous said. The deal will see Issawi released to his hometown of Jerusalem after serving eight months in jail, after

April 18, 2013

Long-term hunger striker Samer Issawi called for "rage and solidarity" to mark Palestinian Prisoners Day. 3,000 detainees in Israel's prisons refused food to mark the day.

Long-term hunger striker Samer Issawi on April 17 called for "rage and solidarity" to mark Palestinian Prisoners Day. "Greetings to all without exception.

April 6, 2013

For a fourth consecutive day, young Palestinians in Hebron clashed with Israeli troops in protests over the death of an elderly prisoner in Israeli custody. 

For a fourth consecutive day April 5, young Palestinians in Hebron clashed with Israeli troops in protests over the death of an elderly prisoner in Israeli custody. The fiercest clashes took place in Bab al-Zawiya neighborhood in the center of Hebron April 4 after the funeral procession.

January 11, 2013

Palestinian youth have established a protest encampment in E1 Corridor, where Israel plans to build settlements linking Jerusalem with the Ma’ale Adumim settlement bloc. 

Palestinian activists have established a protest encampment in the E1 Corridor, a piece of land where the Israeli government plans to build new settlements linking Jerusalem with the Ma’ale Adumim settlement bloc.