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Content about Southern Levant

February 24, 2015

Hundreds of Palestinians were evacuated amid Gaza Strip flooding. Hamas authorities say Israel intentionally opened dams to flood the territory. Israel denies the dams exist.

Hundreds of Palestinians were evacuated from their homes Feb.

December 17, 2014

A supposed ISIS flyer circulating on social networks has warned 18 writers and poets in Gaza against what it calls criticizing Islam, stating that ''apostates will be punished."

A supposed ISIS flyer circulating on social networks has warned 18 writers and poets in Gaza against what it calls criticizing Islam, stating that ''apostates will be punished." In Ramallah, the Palestinian Authority responded by condemning the intimidation of Palestinian intellectuals, calling the threats a serious precedent. Hamas played down the incident.

September 18, 2014

Eight Palestinian migrants from Gaza survived a devastating shipwreck near Malta, with dozens feared dead. The majority of those on board were Syrians and Palestinians.

The director of the Euro-Mid Observer For Human Rights said Sept.

August 15, 2014

Palestinian Islamic leaders said a long-term ceasefire and lifting of the siege on Gaza would be announced soon, claiming "great progress" in negotiations.

March 8, 2014

Zionist settlers in Hebron raise a banner reading "Palestine never existed!" This perverse denialism is alas mirrored in much that the "left" is saying about Ukraine.

This is pretty funny.

December 19, 2013

Some aghast at the suffering of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are strangely unconcerned with that in Yarmouk, the Damascus refugee camp now besieged by Syrian regime forces.

Isn't it utterly absurd that there are some aghast at the suffering of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and utterly unconcerned with that in Yarmouk, the Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus now besieged by forces loyal to Syrian dictator Bashar Assad... and vice versa...? A brutal winter storm in the region has exacerbated the suffering in both blockaded enclaves, and most Palestinians assuredly grasp the obvious symmetry. In some quarters, however, a sort of ideological blindness seems to prevail: Assad's apologists are of course outraged at the agony in Gaza, but find that in Yarmouk invisible. The US State Department, in turn, exploits Yarmouk for propaganda against Assad, while displaying no such concern for Gaza...

October 28, 2013

Israeli air-strikes targeted the northern Gaza Strip after militants fired rockets into Israel—the first such exchanges in over two months.

Israeli air-strikes targeted the northern Gaza Strip on Oct. 28, Israel's army said, in the first air-strike on Gaza in over two months. "In response to the numerous rockets and mortars launched at Israel in the past 24 hours, IAF aircraft targeted two concealed rocket launchers in the northern Gaza Strip.

April 6, 2013

For a fourth consecutive day, young Palestinians in Hebron clashed with Israeli troops in protests over the death of an elderly prisoner in Israeli custody. 

For a fourth consecutive day April 5, young Palestinians in Hebron clashed with Israeli troops in protests over the death of an elderly prisoner in Israeli custody. The fiercest clashes took place in Bab al-Zawiya neighborhood in the center of Hebron April 4 after the funeral procession.

November 21, 2012

Israel launched new air-strikes across the Gaza Strip, even as Egypt's foreign minister Mohamed Kamel Amr announced a ceasefire to end eight days of violence.

Israel launched new air-strikes across the Gaza Strip late Nov.

October 18, 2012

Following a legal battle by rights groups, Israel released the "Red Line" document, establishing minimum daily caloric intake necessary for the survival of Gaza's inhabitants.

After a three-and-a-half-year legal battle waged by Israeli human rights group Gisha, Israel's Ministry of Defense turned over a document entitled "Food Consumption in the Gaza Strip—Red Lines," detailing the policy of restricting the entrance of food to the Gaza Strip.

September 7, 2012

Israel's Supreme Court ordered the state to release the "red lines document" which purportedly established the minimum caloric intake required for the survival of Gaza residents.

Israel's Supreme Court on Sept. 5 ordered the state to release the "red lines document" in which it purportedly established the minimum caloric intake required for the survival of residents of the Gaza Strip, as part of a policy in place until June 2010 that restricted the entrance of goods into Gaza.