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Content about State of Palestine

December 17, 2014

The European Parliament passed a resolution supporting recognition of Palestinian statehood and a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict.

The European Parliament on Dec. 17 passed a resolution supporting recognition of Palestinian statehood and a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. The resolution also launches a "Parliamentarians for Peace" initiative to bring together MEPs and MPs from the Israeli and Palestinian parliaments. The resolution passed by 498 votes to 88, with 111 abstentions.

July 24, 2014

Development of the Gaza Marine 1 and 2 offshore blocs has been held up by conflict over the Strip and its waters. Is "Protective Edge" aimed at securing them under Israeli control?

Well, we don't think so either, actually.

February 3, 2014

President Abbas has proposed that US-led NATO forces be stationed indefinitely in a future Palestinian state, according to an interview with the New York Times.

President Abbas has proposed that US-led NATO forces be stationed indefinitely in a future Palestinian state, according to an interview with the New York Times on Feb.

January 13, 2014

Israel's pressure on Palestinians to recognize it as a Jewish state constitutes an attempt to legalize "racism," PLO official Hanan Ashrawi charged.

Israel's pressure on Palestinians to recognize it as a Jewish state is an attempt to legalize "racism," a PLO official said Jan.

January 11, 2013

Palestinian youth have established a protest encampment in E1 Corridor, where Israel plans to build settlements linking Jerusalem with the Ma’ale Adumim settlement bloc. 

Palestinian activists have established a protest encampment in the E1 Corridor, a piece of land where the Israeli government plans to build new settlements linking Jerusalem with the Ma’ale Adumim settlement bloc.

December 3, 2012

Israeli government officials announced plans to build 3,000 settlement units in the critical E-1 area of the occupied West Bank—a day after Palestine was admitted to the UN.

Israeli government officials announced plans Nov.

November 30, 2012

The UN General Assembly overwhelmingly approved a resolution to upgrade Palestine to a "non-member state" at the United Nations, implicitly recognizing a Palestinian state.

The UN General Assembly overwhelmingly approved a resolution on Nov. 29 to upgrade Palestine to a "non-member state" at the United Nations, implicitly recognizing a Palestinian state. There were 138 votes in favor, nine against and 41 abstentions.

October 7, 2011

Members of U.S. Congress move to impose severe economic penalties on Palestine if it continues to seek statehood. This is an offense against the "democratic" values that both the U.S. and Israel purport to uphold.

Enshrined in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as fundamental human prerogatives are "the right of the people peaceablyto assemble, and to petition...for a redress of grievances." The amendment expressly banned Congress from abridging that right.

October 1, 2011

The US has already cut funds to the Palestinian Authority as a punitive measure in response to its statehood bid. From Kosova to Western Sahara, numerous other countries around the world similarly wait and sacrifice for UN recognition.

The UN Security Council’s Standing Committee on Admission of New Members is currently considering Palestine's application for full United Nations membership.

August 24, 2011

The Palestinian bid for UN recognition could deprive Palestinians of international representation by transferring that responsibility from the PLO to a state that doesn't exist yet, a legal briefing warns.

The Palestinian team responsible for preparing the initiative for United Nations recognition in September has been given an independent legal opinion that warns of risks to Palestinian rights in the proposal.