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Content about Violence in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict

December 27, 2014

A Hamas leader said that the draft resolution for Palestinian statehood presented to the UN Security Council is "disastrous," and has "no future in the land of Palestine."

A Hamas leader on Dec.

June 22, 2014

Five Palestinians have been killed and hundreds detained in "Operation Brother's Keeper," Israel's biggest West Bank deployment in a decade.

Two Palestinians were shot and killed during clashes in Ramallah and Nablus June 22, the 10th day of "Operation Brother's Keeper," Israeli forces' massive search effort across the West Bank for three missing Israeli teen-agers.

October 28, 2013

Israeli air-strikes targeted the northern Gaza Strip after militants fired rockets into Israel—the first such exchanges in over two months.

Israeli air-strikes targeted the northern Gaza Strip on Oct. 28, Israel's army said, in the first air-strike on Gaza in over two months. "In response to the numerous rockets and mortars launched at Israel in the past 24 hours, IAF aircraft targeted two concealed rocket launchers in the northern Gaza Strip.

October 18, 2013

Locals at Beit Awwa, a West Bank village in the Hebron district, set fire to an Israeli watchtower during clashes with the army.

Locals of Beit Awwa, a West Bank village in the Hebron district, reported that Palestinians set fire to an Israeli watchtower Oct.

September 8, 2013

Israeli forces fired tear-gas and rubber bullets to break up protests by Palestinian students at al-Quds university in Jerusalem, with eight students hospitalized.

Israeli forces fired tear-gas cannisters and rubber-coated steel bullets at al-Quds university students in Abu Dis on Sept.

January 4, 2013

Some 20 settlers rioted in the West Bank village of Jallud, shattering the windows of one home, assaulting three residents and vandalizing cars before fleeing the scene.

Some 20 settlers rioted in the West Bank village of Jallud, near Ramallah, on Jan. 2, according to the residents.

November 21, 2012

Israel launched new air-strikes across the Gaza Strip, even as Egypt's foreign minister Mohamed Kamel Amr announced a ceasefire to end eight days of violence.

Israel launched new air-strikes across the Gaza Strip late Nov.

November 21, 2012

Mourners clashed with Israeli troops at funerals in Hebron and Ramallah as Palestinians across the West Bank continue to protest the Israeli assault on Gaza.

Mourners clashed with Israeli troops at two funerals Nov.

August 5, 2011

Israeli security forces restricted access to al-Aqsa mosque, fired tear gas at anti-wall protesters in the West Bank village of Bil'in, and launched air-strikes on Gaza on the first Friday of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

Israeli soldiers fired tear gas Aug. 5 to disperse the weekly anti-wall protest in the Palestinian village of  Bil'in, west of Ramallah on the  West Bank—marking the first Friday of the Ramadan holy month. (Ma'an News Agency, Aug.