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Did the Quds Force, international arm of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, contract with Mexico's blood-drenched Zetas to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in Washington? Or is the whole plot a creation of undercover DEA agents?

McClatchy Newspapers' Pulitzer-winning reporter Roy Gutman writes from Baghdad that an Anglican priest is working with the US embassy to convince the remaining nine Jews in Iraq to flee the country, because their names have appeared in cables published last month by WikiLeaks.

The US has already cut funds to the Palestinian Authority as a punitive measure in response to its statehood bid. From Kosova to Western Sahara, numerous other countries around the world similarly wait and sacrifice for UN recognition.

In defiance of pressure from the European Union, Russia and Turkey as well as Arab states, Israel insists it intends to go ahead with he newly announced construction of 1,100 Jewish homes in Gilo on annexed land close to East Jerusalem.

The right-wing blogosphere is having a field day with claims that Palestinian ambassador Maen Rashid Areikat called for a "Jew-free Palestinian state." But Areikat responds that it's "a total fabrication" and a "total set-up" by conservo-bloggers.

The Union of Italian Jewish Communities held an unprecedented conference at the Sicilian city of Siracusa for "Ebrei di Ritorno," or "Returning Jews." The island has a synagogue again for the first time since the Inquisition.

Some 130 turned out for a "Unity March" in the Polish city of Bialystok, in response to a wave of racist and anti-Semitic attacks—including the defacement with swastikas of a memorial to a pogrom where hundreds of Jews were killed in 1941.