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Content about Jerusalem Governorate

February 19, 2014

Israeli forces bulldozed five structures belonging to a Bedouin community in East Jerusalem that had years earlier been displaced from its lands in the Negev.

Israeli forces on Feb.

February 5, 2014

Demolition teams destroyed three Palestinian homes and forced a man to demolish his own home in East Jerusalem, leaving 28 homeless and sparking street clashes.

Demolition teams from the Jerusalem municipality on Feb.

October 31, 2013

Municipality officers escorted by Israeli soldiers issued demolition warrants for thousands of Palestinian homes in two East Jerusalem neighborhoods.

Municipality officers escorted by Israeli soldiers issued demolition warrants for thousands of Palestinian homes in the East Jerusalem neighborhoods of Ras Khamis and Ras Shahada on Oct.

September 8, 2013

Israeli forces fired tear-gas and rubber bullets to break up protests by Palestinian students at al-Quds university in Jerusalem, with eight students hospitalized.

Israeli forces fired tear-gas cannisters and rubber-coated steel bullets at al-Quds university students in Abu Dis on Sept.

August 27, 2013

Israeli forces razed several structures in two East Jerusalem neighborhoods, summarily evicitng the families under the pretext that the homes were built without a license. 

Israeli forces razed several structures in the East Jerusalem neighborhoods of al-Tur and Eisawiya Aug. 27, under the pretext that they were built without a license. Locals told Ma'an News Agency that a large number of Israeli forces—including special forces troops, police horsemen, and border guard officers—raided Khallat al-Ein neighborhood in al-Tur district.

July 22, 2013

An Israeli magistrate's court ruled to evict a Palestinian family from their home in East Jerusalem, after a six year legal battle to prove ownership of the property.

An Israeli magistrate's court ruled July 21 to evict a Palestinian family from their home in East Jerusalem, after a six year legal battle to prove ownership of the property. The court ruled that the house is absentee property and ordered the Siam family to leave the premises by the end of July, Nathira Siam told Ma'an News Agency. The family was also ordered to pay 40,000 she

March 30, 2013

With Israel's harsh restrictions on freedom of movement, Palestinian Christians' attempt at a Good Friday procession in Jerusalem is converted into a protest for rights and dignity. 

Such a perverse historical irony.

February 22, 2013

Residents of the Jerusalem neighborhood of Beit Safafa are appealing to Israel's Supreme Court to halt construction of a highway that will divide the Arab district.

Residents of the Jerusalem neighborhood of Beit Safafa will appeal next week to Israel's Supreme Court to halt construction of a highway that is to divide the district, community activists said at a press conference Feb.

April 30, 2012

In a move blasted by rights organizations, Israel's Supreme Court ruled that buildings of the Ulpana settlement outpost on the West Bank, ordered destroyed because of a claim by Palestinian land-owners, would receive a 60-day reprieve.

Israel's Supreme Court on April 29 ruled that buildings of the Givat HaUlpana settlement outpost at Beit El on the West Bank, ordered destroyed because of a claim by Palestinian land-owners, would receive a 60-day reprieve. The State Attorney's Office had filed the appeal on two days before, asking for a three-month delay in the scheduled demolition of the Ulpana outpost.

April 22, 2012

UN aid agencies in the occupied West Bank protested that Israel destroyed 21 homes of Palestinian Bedouin refugees at Khalayleh north of East Jerusalem—leaving 54 people homeless, including 35 children.

UN agencies in the occupied West Bank said April 22 that Israel last week destroyed 21 homes of Palestinian Bedouin refugees—leaving 54 people homeless, including 35 children.

April 2, 2012

The US Supreme Court ruled 8-1 in MBZ v. Clinton that the ability of a US national born in Jerusalem to list Israel as place of birth on a passport is not a political question, but remanded the case for a ruling specifically on the issue.

On March 26, the US Supreme Court ruled 8-1 in MBZ v. Clinton that the ability of a US national born in Jerusalem to list Israel as place of birth on a passport is not a political question, but remanded the case for a ruling specifically on the issue.

February 25, 2012

In the worst clash in the recent protests at Jerusalem's Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif, Israeli police used tear gas and stun grenade at the entrance of al-Aqsa Mosque. Protests began after right-wing politicians called for closing the site to Muslims.

Hundreds of Muslim worshippers clashed with police Feb. 24 at Jerusalem's Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif. Israeli authorities said that following Friday prayers, a large group of worshippers began hurling rocks at the controversial Mughrabi Bridge leading to the Mount.

January 21, 2012

An Israeli government plan to create a greenbelt around Jerusalem is fueling opposition among Palestinians and their supporters, who say the chain of parks  is a land grab that consolidates Israel's grip on occupied East Jerusalem. 

An Israeli government plan to create a greenbelt around Jerusalem is fueling opposition among Palestinians and their supporters. Mayor Nir Barkat's hopes the plan, which focuses on archeological preservation, will boost tourism in Jerusalem, but critics say the parks amount to a land grab that consolidates Israel's grip on occupied East Jerusalem.

June 1, 2011

A new bill in the Knesset would change Jerusalem neighborhoods with Arabic names to Hebrew ones—while Mayor Nir Barakat said the municipality would continue to build Jewish-only housing regardless of "political issues." 

A new bill in the Knesset would change Jerusalem neighborhoods with Arabic names to Hebrew ones—Mamilla, Talbiya or Holyland becoming the Hagoshrim, Komemiyut and Eretz HaTzvi. MK Tzipi Hotovely (Likud) introduced the bill, and it has received endorsements by many other Knesset members from both the Likud-led ruling coalition and the opposition.