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Content about Benjamin Netanyahu

November 19, 2014

Mounting attacks by Israeli settlers on Palestinians are going virtually unreported as Netanyahu pledges a "harsh" response to the deadly Jerusalem synagogue attack.

Two Palestinians armed with a pistol and axes attacked a synagogue in Jerusalem's Har Nof district during morning prayers on Nov. 18, killing four Israelis.

November 9, 2014

Amid new unrest at the Temple Mount, Israeli Housing Minister Uri Ariel alarmingly said that Israel will eventually replace al-Aqsa Mosque with a Jewish temple.

Israeli Housing Minister Uri Ariel (of the religious HaBayit HaYehudi or Jewish Home party) alarmingly said Nov. 4 that Israel will eventually replace al-Aqsa Mosque with a Jewish temple.

October 26, 2014

India has opted to buy Israel's Spike anti-tank guided missile, beating a rival US deal—an advance for the Tel Aviv-Delhi anti-terror alignment.

India has opted to buy Israel's Spike anti-tank guided missile, a New Delhi defense ministry source told Reuters—evidently rejecting a rival US offer of Javelin missiles that Washington had lobbied hard to win. India is to purchase at least 8,000 Spike missiles and more than 300 launchers in a deal worth 32 billion rupees ($525 million), the source said after a meeting of India&#

August 21, 2014

Hamas spokesman Abu Ubaida said in a televised speec that Israel had "failed" in its assault on Gaza and called upon the Palestinian negotiating delegation in Cairo to return home.

Hamas spokesman Abu Ubaida said in a televised speech on Aug.

August 16, 2014

Bibi Netanyahu appealed to US legislators to help Israel stave off a feared global push to bring Israeli leaders to trial on war crimes charges in the wake of the Gaza offensive. Litigation has already been brought in a few countries.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appealed to US legislators to help Israel stave off a feared global push to bring Israeli military and political leaders to trial on war crimes charges in the wake of the Gaza offensive, the New York Post reported Aug. 6.

July 28, 2014

As Israel resumed its bombardment of Gaza, Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal stressed that the group was ready to "coexist with the Jews" but would not tolerate "occupiers."

Israel resumed its bombardment of the Gaza Strip for the 20th day on July 27, as Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal stressed that the group was ready to "coexist with the Jews" but would not tolerate "occupiers." The Israeli assault on Gaza continued after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu refused to renew a ceasefire agreed to earlier in the day after he claimed Palestin

July 7, 2014

Mounting reprisal attacks between Israelis and Palestinians follow Netanyahu's pronouncement upon the death of the three Israeli youths: "May God avenge their blood."

Violent protests sparked by the abduction and killing of Palestinian youth Mohammed Abu Khudair in East Jerusalem spread to Arab villages in Israel on July 5.

January 13, 2014

Israel's pressure on Palestinians to recognize it as a Jewish state constitutes an attempt to legalize "racism," PLO official Hanan Ashrawi charged.

Israel's pressure on Palestinians to recognize it as a Jewish state is an attempt to legalize "racism," a PLO official said Jan.

September 23, 2013

Prime Minister Netanyahu ordered Israel's civil administration to allow settlers back into a stolen Palestinian property in Hebron—in response to the killing of an Israeli soldier.

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sept.

July 13, 2013

Thousands marched in Tel Aviv, blocking traffic on the city's main thoroughfares, for a rally marking the two-year anniversary of Israel's mass movement against inequality.

More than 3,000 marched in Tel Aviv July 13 for a rally marking the two-year anniversary of the mass movement against inequality which saw major demonstrations in the summer of 2011. Protesters marched from Habima Square to Kaplan Street, the heart of Israel's administrative

April 24, 2013

Israel's claim that Syria has used chemical weapons comes as rebel militias have assumed positions near the line of control in the Golan Heights.

The Assad regime's use of chemical weapons is announced as a "

January 24, 2013

Knesset candidate Jeremy Gimpel sparked outrage when Israeli TV broadcast footage of him joking before a Florida church group of plans to "blow up" the Dome of the Rock.

Preliminary results of Israel's election show Benjamin Netanyahu weakened but likely to serve a third term as prime minister, in a shift toward what mainstream accounts call "the center." Netanyahu's bloc made up of the right-wing Likud and far-right Yisrael Beitenu came out on top with 31 seats out of the 120 in the Knesset—down form 42.

December 24, 2012

Palestinian Authority employees, who held a general strike last week, will shut down the West Bank again this week to protest non-payment of their salaries due to Israeli sanctions.

Palestinian Authority employees will strike again this week after receiving only part of their November salaries, union leaders announced Dec. 23. Palestinian government employees in the West Bank began a two-day general strike on Dec.

October 13, 2012

Israel is explicitly using its own Mizrahi citizens as bargaining chips against the claims of stateless Palestinian refugees in its new "Justice for Jewish Refugees" campaign.

Seemingly in response to Mahmoud Abbas's initiative to revive a statehood bid for Palestine at the UN, Israel has launched an initiative to demand restitution for Jewish refugees from Arab countries.

December 21, 2011

Did Tom Friedman vindicate the Walt-Mearsheimer thesis by writing that Bibi's standing ovation at Congress was "bought and paid for" by the Israel Lobby? Well, no...

In what is a practically choreographed media spectacle, a prominent pundit spouts off about the power of the Israel Lobby, Walt and/or Mearsheimer cheer him on for vindicating their thesis that powerful Jews control the American empire, while neocons and the self-appointed guardians of Jewish interests assail him for anti-Semitism.

November 4, 2011

The Israeli government said it will move ahead with "sensitive housing projects" in East Jerusalem and the West Bank as a rebuttal to UNESCO's decision to grant Palestine full-member status. The US meanwhile cut funds to UNESCO.

The Israeli government immediately said it would move ahead with "sensitive housing projects" as a rebuttal to UNESCO's Oct. 31 decision to grant Palestine full-member status. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and a forum of eight senior ministers formally decided the next day to initiate a new wave of settlement construction on the West Bank.

September 29, 2011

In defiance of pressure from the European Union, Russia and Turkey as well as Arab states, Israel insists it intends to go ahead with he newly announced construction of 1,100 Jewish homes in Gilo on annexed land close to East Jerusalem.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sept. 28 rejected Western and Arab complaints that the newly announced construction of 1,100 Jewish homes in Gilo on annexed land close to East Jerusalem would hurt efforts to revive the peace process.

August 8, 2011

More than 200,000 marched in Tel Aviv, under a banner with the word "Go!" in Arabic—a key symbol of the protest movement that brought down Hosni Mubarak, and a clear reference to Bibi Netanyahu. Below, in Hebrew, were the words: "Egypt is here!"

An estimated 300,000 marched in cities and towns across Israel Aug. 6—the biggest mobilization yet in a growing movement for economic justice. More than 200,000 marched in Tel Aviv alone—one of the largest demonstrations in the history of the Jewish state.

July 31, 2011

Some 150,000 took to the streets in cities across Israel—the biggest protests the country has seen in decades, to demand action on rising rents and the high cost of living. But right-wing politicians seek to scapegoat African immigrants for the crisis.

Some 150,000 protesters took to the streets in cities across Israel on the night of July 30—the biggest demonstrations the country has seen in decades—to demand action on rising rents, low salaries, and the high cost of living.

July 11, 2011

The Knesset has just passed a law banning calls for a boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel. The Israel-based website BoycottIsrael! remains online at the moment, and it will be interesting to see if any action is taken against it.

We have had plenty of occasion to point out before: Isn't it funny that those who invoke the supposed superiority of Western culture the loudest are the quickest to betray those values which supposedly make it superior (pluralism, tolerance, etc.)?

July 8, 2011

Israel's Civil Administration on the West Bank declared 189 dunams of land belonging to the Palestinian village of Karyut to be state land, to retroactively "legalize" a settlement outpost.

For the first time in three years, the Israeli state confiscated uncultivated land in the West Bank last week, to "legalize" a nearby settlement outpost.

June 24, 2011

A new Israeli proposal that would forcibly transfer more than 40,000 Bedouin citizens into government-planned townships in the Negev desert has raised the ire of Bedouin communities and their supporters, Electronic Intifada reports.

A new Israeli proposal that would forcibly transfer more than 40,000 Bedouin citizens into government-planned townships in the Negev (Naqab) desert has raised the ire of Bedouin communities and their supporters, who say the plan is both discriminatory and ignores the Bedouins' historic connect

June 3, 2011

Bernard-Henri Levy, the French philosopher (of Sephardic background), is apparently on the ground in Benghazi, serving as Israel's unofficial envoy to the leadership of the Libyan rebels . 

Now isn't this interesting. Bernard-Henri Levy, the French philosopher (of Sephardic background), is apparently on the ground in Benghazi, meeting with the leadership of the Libyan rebels—and serving as Israel's unofficial envoy.

May 26, 2011

The myopic Israeli leadership seem not to get that Obama's statement on the 1967 borders is part of his effort to domesticate the Arab Spring—which is in their own interests.